$ 0 0 Gionee has launched its World's slimmest Android smartphone Elife S5.5 in India for Rs. 22,999.The hefty 865.71MB file is available as an OTA update and can be accessed under Setting > System Updates.With the new update, S5.5 users can also expect improved GioneeXender for optimised performance and enhances UC browser and NQ Mobile Security experience.The Elife S5.5 isn't just about ultra-portability, but has premium specs as well. It packs in a 5-inch full HD Super AMOLED display, one of the first to be featured on a non-Samsung phone. Performance should be top-notch considering the octa-core 1.7 GHz processor, in keeping with the octa-core trend of today.On the camera front, the device gets a 13-megapixel rear snapper and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera. The smartphone supports 3G network working in six different bands and the company also plans to churn out an LTE version of the device.