$ 0 0 BJP and Aam Aadmi Party workers on Tuesday staged protests against each other outside the residence of BJP leader Arun Jaitely. An AAP MLA had yesterday accused BJP leader Arun Jaitely of trying to topple the Delhi government. Madan Lal, Aam Aadmi Party MLA from Kasturba Nagar, alleged that he had been approached by BJP leaders, including BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, in an attempt to buy him off for Rs 20 crore. Lal, addressing a press conference, said that on December 7 he received a call from an "unknown number" and the person on the other end said he would make him talk to a "big person" and mentioned ArunJaitley's name. "I told him to shut up and put down the phone," said Lal. However, Lal said he has no proof to back his allegations. ArunJaitley had rubbished claims by AAP MLA Madan Lal that the BJP was trying to buy him off and topple the AAP government. In a tweet, the leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha said: "Rubbish claims by AAP. AAP's alternative politics includes a fundamental right to falsehood and lies."